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Thank you for your support of Christ Lutheran Church and its ministries.
Please click the button below to be taken to our giving page with Vanco, our online payment processor.   

Giving FAQs

How do I use the Vanco application?

Read this document.  Please note that you can make donations without creating an account. However, creating an account provides you the benefits of being able to save payment methods, track your giving over time, and set-up/adjust recurring gifts.

Is my gift tax-deductible? 

Yes. Each January, we provide you with an annual giving statement, which documents all gifts you have given to the church, including any that you have made online.

Is there a processing fee?

The church is charged a small processing fee for each online payment transaction (1% for ACH, and 2.75% for credit/debit cards). When finalizing your gift, you will have the option to cover this fee in addition to your contribution. While not required, we would be grateful if you considered giving the extra amount to help us offset these costs.

How is my financial information kept secure?
Christ Lutheran Church does not have access to the credit card or banking information you provide online. Our online giving platform, Vanco, is a certified Level 1 PCI 3.2 Service Provider.
Learn more about your data is protected by Vanco on their website

If I don't wish to give online, can I make a donation another way?

Yes! Financial donations can also be sent via mail (24 Society Road, Niantic, CT 06357), by dropping them off at the church office, or placing them in the offering basket at our normal weekend worship services.

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